Skin Design Ideas for Cool Greek Gear
There's a lot to love about Greek life — and we're not just talking about the parties. Fraternities and sororities provide a sense of community and connection, plus a lifelong affiliation to be cherished long after graduation.
What Is Greek Life?
A huge component of the social fabric at many colleges, the Greek community includes groups of students known as fraternities and sororities. Despite persisting stereotypes regarding what, exactly, forms 'typical' Greek life, this actually varies dramatically from one organization to the next. Some Greek groups reflect professional ambitions, while others are targeted at specific religious denominations. Several general groups also exist, however, with the primary intention of helping members build a sense of community.
Whether Greek organizations reflect professional goals or a desire for friendship, members speak highly of the feeling of family that they create. These groups can provide a huge source of support and stress relief in college environments that might otherwise feel large or impersonal. Greek life allows participants to make life-changing relationships, many of which persist beyond graduation and provide a constant source of comfort and identity in years and decades to come.
Popular Greek Life Letters
Fraternity and sorority participation is nearly always signified through the use of Greek letters, although a few exceptions exist. This tradition harkens back to the 1700s, when students at William and Mary College launched a secret society known as Phi Beta Kappa. At the time, an understanding of Greek meant higher intellectual standing.
The traditional Greek-based system of naming has persisted, even as the concept of Greek life has seen significant changes over the years. While most members no longer understand Greek, many are inspired by the meanings attached to their organizations' names, which often derive from mottos formed hundreds of years ago.
While the entirety of the Greek alphabet can be found among the vast array of sororities, fraternities, and other exclusive societies operating at modern colleges, certain letters tend to be spotted most frequently. Favorites include:
- Alpha
- Beta
- Chi
- Phi
- Kappa
- Gamma
- Delta
- Theta
While many organizations opt for three distinct letters, it is far from uncommon for the same letter to be repeated twice — or even three times. Examples include Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Kappa Alpha, and Delta Delta Delta. Select organizations — such as Delta Gamma — opt for just two letters.
How to Customize Gear With Fraternity & Sorority Logos
Whether you find personal meaning and pride with your group's Greek letters or simply think they look cool, you can easily highlight your membership by including these symbols on your favorite items. While many people display Greek letters on their clothing, that's only the beginning. Further personalization could involve everything from your smartphone to your gaming console, along with a whole host of other Greek accessories.
Organization Name
How you incorporate sorority or fraternity logos and letters in your daily life largely depends on which items you choose to deck out. In general, however, you'll want your organization's name to stand out. This serves not only as a signifier of your membership, but also, a form of security; if you lose a prized personal item, it can quickly be returned to your fraternity or sorority.
Logos are just as important as Greek letters. These often serve as an emblem of the values your organization holds dear. They also provide powerful branding, just as logos do for marketing efforts outside of college.
Year of Chapter Establishment
Depending on your group's heritage and prestige, you may also choose to highlight the year in which it was formed. This can easily be incorporated on your device, alongside your group's logo and letters. By including the year of establishment, you signify your participation in a long and cherished tradition. This serves as a powerful reminder of the huge community surrounding you at your college and beyond.
Colors & Patterns
As with any form of customization, colors and patterns matter. Many groups look not only to letters and logos for identity, but also specific hues. These can be reflected with your pre-designed gear from MightySkins, which highlights official Greek organization colors, letters, and logos. Whether you're a proud member of Alpha Phi or Zeta Tau Alpha, you can find a look that reflects your affiliation. You're also welcome to customize your gear to feature looks that you find more appealing on a personal basis.
Unique Skins & Wraps for Cool Greek Swag
Are you ready to level up your gear with the letters or logo from your favorite Greek organization? The right phone, laptop, or game console skin can make all the difference. These accessories are easy to design and customize — and they're even easier to apply.
At MightySkins, we understand the value of your organization's letters and logos — and we're happy to help you show off with cool Greek letters. The right skin will instantly convey your pride for your fraternity or sorority. Visit our website today to get started with creating your own perfect Greek life look for your device.