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Should I Buy A Gun If Police Are Defunded? The Arguments from Both Sides

Should I Buy A Gun If Police Are Defunded? The Arguments from Both Sides

In these uncertain times, scores of people are beginning to ask themselves important questions in order to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Amidst talks of defunding police departments, many Americans are asking, “Should I buy a gun to protect my family?” Or, “Should I buy a gun for home protection?”

In light of current events, we will be discussing the pros and cons of buying a gun for self-defense. Whether you’re considering making a gun purchase due to calls to defund and disarm the police or because of COVID-19, we’re here to help answer the question, “Should I buy a gun for self-defense?”

If Police Are Defunded, Should I Buy a Gun?

Arguments For Buying a Gun

As conversations about defunding or abolishing police departments continue, many Americans are concerned about who will protect them during a crisis. Gun sales have been on the rise as of late as U.S. residents consider taking matters into their own hands.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution grants Americans the right to bear arms. More specifically, the Second Amendment states that this right “shall not be infringed.” For folks who are pro-gun in light of recent events, they see purchasing and owning firearms as their constitutional right.

Americans frequently rely on their local police departments to keep them safe during everyday life. It’s ingrained in us from a young age to call 911 during any sort of emergency. But what if there’s no one to answer the call if someone breaks into your house or robs you on the street?

For this reason, many Americans feel that buying a gun is not only necessary for self-defense, but also vital for protecting their home and loved ones. That being said, there is a common theme among gun rights advocates: if you’re going to buy a gun, you’d better know how to use it safely and properly. Undergoing proper firearms training will help you understand when and how to (safely) use your gun, how to securely store it, how to clean it, and more.

Arguments Against Buying a Gun

Of course, not everyone believes that owning a gun is a smart decision. Folks who say that you don’t need a gun to protect yourself often cite harrowing gun violence statistics to support the argument that guns do more harm than good.

For example, from 2008 to 2018, 750,000 Americans were injured 320,000 were killed as a result of gun violence. Every day, 100 Americans are killed by guns, which adds up to 36,000 people killed annually. And two-thirds of gun deaths are a result of suicide, which is often overlooked when discussing gun violence in America.

Furthermore, many anti-gun advocates cite the lack of proper training or background checks when arguing against the use of guns for self-defense. While many people choose to purchase firearms from gun shows or sporting stores, some folks buy guns off of friends or family members. That being said, background checks are only conducted on in-store gun purchases, leaving gaps for when guns are bought at gun shows or off of someone else.

Buying a Gun During COVID-19

Do we need self-defense firearms during the 2020 pandemic? Police defunding aside, this may be a question that’s been on your mind ever since the beginning of COVID-19. If so, you’re not alone — a record number of Americans have purchased guns ever since the beginning of the pandemic, and many of these folks are first-time gun owners.

Understandably, the coronavirus pandemic has incited fear and uncertainty in Americans. Given the fact that gun sales tend to rise after mass shootings and other disasters, it makes sense that the demand for guns has skyrocketed since the beginning of the pandemic.

With that in mind, should you buy a gun during the pandemic? There is no right or wrong answer to this question, but there are definitely some things to consider before you make such a major decision.

For starters, you need to recognize that buying a gun is a big deal. We may be stating the obvious, but it’s important to remember that guns can kill or cause bodily harm. This should always be at the forefront of your mind when deciding whether to purchase or use a gun.

Secondly, you need to know how to properly use your gun. Many people who are purchasing guns during the 2020 pandemic are doing so for the very first time. Investing in firearms training is a smart move — not only will you learn how to safely use your gun, but when you should use it as well.

Finally, it’s wise to think about why you want to purchase a gun. Again, buying a gun is not something to take lightly, and it’s important to recognize the responsibility that comes with owning a gun.

General Safety Tips for First Time Gun Owners

If you’ve made the decision to purchase a firearm, there are some general safety guidelines you should always be aware of before using your gun:

  • Do not load your gun until you’re ready to use it.
  • Even if your gun isn’t loaded, always handle it as if it were loaded.
  • Never use alcohol or drugs before using a gun.
  • Do not put your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
  • Point your gun in a safe direction and at your intended target.
  • Keep your gun stored in a safe location.


Whether you decide to purchase a gun for self-defense or for home protection, you’re accepting a great responsibility. Knowing how to safely use your gun is crucial to your safety, as well as the safety of your loved ones.

If you want to customize the look of your new gun, check out our wraps and skins for guns. We carry a variety of vinyl skins and wraps for rifles, pistols, and other firearms. Want to show off your American pride? Take a look at our Americana collection to customize your gun with stars and stripes!
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