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Vape Pen Holiday Season Buyers Guide for 2015 [Guest Post]

This post was written by our friends at With the end of the year and the holiday season approaching, we wanted to do a round up of the best vaporizer pens out this year. Whether youre looking for a vape pen as a gift, or just want to buy a new pen for yourself, this list will help you decide on the right one for your scenario.

Who are we to say which vape pens are best, anyway?

We're vapers. We've been running Paint the Moon since 2012 and have tested just about every pen vaporizer out there (and most portable and desktop units too!). This has given us the opportunity to compare and contrast all of the different units against each other to see which ones really deliver, and which arent worth the cash. Also, being actively involved in the vape community, we get a feel for what everyone else out there thinks of the various pens, and we take that into consideration with our reviews as well. So, all of the pens on this list are not only our personal favorites, but most of the vape community would agree that they are some of the best on the market as well. With that being said, yes this is still an opinion piece, and we realize there might be a pen you feel should have made the list that didnt. If you disagree with something we did or didnt put in here, thats perfectly fine. Visit us at and let us know what you think.

Alright, so lets get into it.

Source Orb v3 vape pen1. The SOURCE Orb V3

Ill admit, until late last year we werent even familiar with SOURCE. They contacted us one day to review their pen at the time, the Orb V2, and it blew us away. The Orb V2 was the first pen to offer 7 completely different atomizers. Most pens come with 1, and maybe 2, but SOURCE realized that not every vaper is the same, and we all have our own unique preferences, so they took this into consideration and gave us 7 different atomizers to choose from. Not only did the Orb V2 come with a plethora of atomizers, but it performed wonderfully as well. It immediately became our #1 ranked pen in our pen buyers guide. Well, a few months ago, SOURCE outdid themselves and released the Orb V3. The main difference with the V3 is it now comes with their brand new Quartz atomizers, which give a flavor unlike any other pen on the market. Its extremely clean tasting. With the V3, you have 2 kits you can choose from:
  • The Premium Kit - Comes with 7 atomizers including 2 Quartz atomizers. Retails for $79.95 from SOURCEs website.
  • The Signature Kit €“ Comes with 8 total atomizers, including 3 different Quartz style atomizers. You also get a nice globe attachment, and the Orb Slim (a smaller, more portable version of the Orb V3). The Signature Kit sells for $129.95.
The Premium Kit should be fine for most people, but if you like glass globe attachments and also like the idea of having a second pen thats even smaller and more portable, the Signature Kit is a great value. Both can be bought directly from SOURCEs website. Use the promo code €˜MOON and get 10% off.

Dr. Dabber Ghost vape pen 2. The Dr. Dabber Ghost

The Ghost by Dr. Dabber is another great pen. It comes with titanium coils for a really clean flavor, and one of the stand out features is the slower heat-up time and lower temperature, which gives a nice, even vaporization and smooth flavor. This is different from other pens, which may heat up too fast, leading to that burnt flavor you may have experienced. Another cool feature is the Ghost has the capability of using different add-ons, such as a glass globe or water attachment. These are sold separately, but will give you a unique experience compared to other pens out there. So if you like vaping through water, this pen is a great choice. Regarding the battery, expect to get around 200-300 draws per charge. The total recharge time from a completely dead battery is right around 2 hours. For only $84.95, the Dr. Dabber Ghost is a very solid and affordable pen.

3. The Gentlemans Ambassador Kit V4.

gentleman's ambassador vape pen kit-v4Gentlemans Brand has been in the game for a while now, and they consistently produce great units. The Ambassador Kit V4 is no different. This one comes with a variable voltage battery that ranges from 3.2-4.8 volts, so you can dial in the perfect vape experience for you. Do you prefer slower, more even vaporization? Set it to a lower voltage. In a hurry and just need a quick pick-me-up? Set it to the highest voltage and be on your way. One of the biggest benefits of this unit is the €œMega€ atomizer that it comes standard with. The Mega holds over a full gram of concentrate, allowing you to basically load it in the morning before you head out for the day and not have to worry about refilling it while youre on the go. It also comes with a standard-sized atomizer, so you have the option of using either one. The standard holds around 0.5 grams of material. As far as battery life goes, you will get around 500 draws according to Gentlemans website. We havent actually counted, but the battery does last a decently long time. The Ambassador Kit V4 retails for only $79.95, making it a great choice in our opinion. Awesome flavor, long battery life, and the ability to load up to a full gram of material at once; doesnt get much better than that.

We hope you found our holiday season guide to the top vape pens of 2015 useful. If you want to read our complete pen vaporizer buyers guide complete with full reviews and video demonstrations, you can check it out on our site here.

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